
30 November 2010

You talk about life, you talk about death,
And everything in between,
Like it's nothing, and the words are easy.
You talk about me, and you talk about you,
And everything I do,
Like it's something, that needs repeating.
I don't need an alibi or for you to realize,
The things we left unsaid,
Are only taking space up in our heads.

Make it my fault, win the game
Point the finger, place the blame
It does me up and down,
It doesn't matter now.
'Cause I don't care if I ever talk to you again. This is not about emotion, I don't need a reason not to care what you say, Or what happened in the end. This is my interpretation, And it don't, don't make sense.
The first two weeks turn into ten,
I hold my breath and wonder when it'll happen,
Does it really matter?
If half of what you said is true,
And half of what I didn't do could be different,
Would it make it better?
If we forget the things we know.
Would we have somewhere to go?
The only way is down, I can see that now.

It's really not such a sacrifice
And it don't have to make no sense to you at all,
'Cause this is my interpretation
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apalah ini...

25 November 2010

"you're responsible to your own happiness"
that's what my bestfriend has told me several times ago. why she told me that wasn't irreasonable.
knowing that this lil' fella (ehm.. me) becoming so weak--i couldnt find the right word, but weak actually isn;t a good word though, but--- ok. milkysmile

the situation was kinda absurd and unexplainable--for at least that's what i was thinking. woaa..
was i thinking well?
i'm not even sure.

here i just wanna say, that, no matter how people treat us, whatever people think about us, their perceptions, their thoughts,
it is just us, who responsible to our own self happiness. don't look for it--that happiness--in shoes shop, or coffee shop or at the mall..
because wherever you step, you go, as long as your heart brings sadness no happiness follows you around.
i mean, though we're in a sad situation, in extremely bad mood, but when we give a lil' happiness comes inside, well pretty much, we're happy no watter where we standing.

the key just,,, take look around. be thankful. of what we are..
so cliche, isn't it?????
yeayeaaa i know....
this post just a note to my self. somehow if my mood turns easily or when really it happens, i just feel soooo.. awful.
and i hate wearing a smiley-faced mask.
it's torturing me inside.
not good. milkysmile
*ok, that emot... hmm.. hahaha!

that's it.. see ya in my next junks!
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[not-so-a review] the pretty reckless

belakangan ini lagi suka sama satu band nih namanya : The Pretty Reckless.

udah lama denger si, tapi baru sekarang2 gw 'concern' sama lagu2nya, dan yak! gw suka mereka.
ga pernh nyangka kalo si Taylor Momsen a.k.a Jenny Humpfrey alias klo loe suka nonton Gossip Girl kaya gw, pasti ngeh banget klo Taylor di serial ini tuh nyebelin, dan bitchy abeesss....
tapi gw suka gayanya.
tapi gw tetetup aja ga nyangka klo Taylor punya suara rocker yang keren banget ky giituuuuu....
gw kurang tau mereka udah punya berapa album, setau gw sih baru satu : Light Up.

lagu-lagu mereka yang gw suka diantaranya, Make me wanna die, Nothing Left to Lose, Miss Nothing, You. ehmm apalagi yaa.. coba track-track itu deh.. not bad. i give them 8 of 10! yeiyy!

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dari sebuah kedai sushi...

Hey, kupulandak! Ah, lama sekali ga nyampah disini..
Oke, karena ide nulis pun lagi mentok juga, gw coba untuk sekedar berbagi pemikiran-pemikiran cupu yang ditulis disela-sela kepenatan nyusun skrip** (sok-sokan disensor).
Ok, i’m that pretty stressed. But, it’s oke. (ah, apasih gw, basa-basi aja jelek amat yak..) milkysmile

Beberapa waktu ke belakang tentunya ada banyak peristiwa yg terjadi dalam hidup gw. Kejadian-kejadian yg lebih penting dari sekedar makan, tidur, nonton tv atau pup.
Mari persempit. gw mau ngebahas tentang apa yang orang-orang bilang sebagai ‘menempuh hidup baru’ atau menikah.

semua orang, well, ga mencakup semua si, pasti punya impian menikah dengan kekasih atau orang yg diimpikannya. not to mention, ya gw lah... ;p
menurut gw, proses menuju, bahkan memutuskan dengan siapa, ke sebuah pernikahan bukan perkara gampang. (laaahhh, iyeee!!).

ini tentang, bersama siapa loe akan menghabiskan sisa hidup loe. dengan siapa loe berbagi cerita, berbagi pengalaman baru, menyimpan kenangan yg baru pula dalam kapasitas memori otak loe.
intinya, ya! loe memang akan menempuh kehidupan baru bersama satu orang yg udah loe pilih menjadi pasangan loe.

terdengar menyenangkan? menantang? atau menakutkan?

yakin dgn pasangan loe saat ini (klo loe blm menikah) kalo dia adalah orang yang ingin loe nikahi? maksud gw, mungkin ya, tp apa loe yakin, DIA ini orang yang ingin loe bagi tentang impian2 loe?

okelah, katakan gw, pesimis,
mungkin bukan tentang ‘pernikahan’ itu sendiri, tp tentang ‘siapa’ yg loe nikahi, yg tentunya akan memberi makna apa ‘pernikahan’ itu sendri buat loe.

contoh deh, temen gw, menikah setelah 3 tahun tunangan. dia (cewe) cerita klo saat liburan beberapa bulan sblum menikah, dia ketemu seseorang yg menurut dia, itu jodohnya. menurut gw, dia gila! tp dia bilang, dia nemuin ‘soulmate’-nya di orang lain yang bukan pasangannya. aneh?
ya ngga. siapa yg tau, klo pasangannya itu jodoh dia atau bukan?

oke, satu lg, temen gw, cowo. ceritanya dia udah punya calon istri. tp masiiiiii aja berusaha ‘ngedapetin’ cewe laen—yg mungkin emang dia suka. (cowo kaya gini sih, dilempar ke laut aja!).
see? dia emang ga yakin sama calon istrinya ato gimana? klo iya, ya ngapain dia berusaha ‘dapetin’ cewe laen? milkysmile ah!

oh, dan ada lagi. cerita seorang cewe yg pernah gw kenal, jadi dia ini yakiiiin bgt, sama satu cowo, klo itu adalah jodohnya. saking yakinnya, cewe ini rela ‘buang’ tenaga dan pikiran hanya untuk satu cowo ini. padahal jelas2, cowo ini nolak dia. aneh? buat gw sih,, menyedihkan (klo loe tau cerita lengkapnya)

oh,atau salahkan gw yg kebanyakan nonton film-film drama romantis dengan ending tragis atau happy ending tp aga tragis juga. yg bercerita klo pasangan loe belum tentu ‘soulmate’ loe. artinya, orang yg loe ‘klaim’ adalah pasangan loe, apa loe yakin dia orang yang akan loe pilih untuk berbagi semuanya?

ah, ya, mungkin gw juga masi berpikir dangkal.
atau masi ga ngerti, karena ya, gw emang blom ngerti.

for me, my spouse is someone that i want to live with forever, to grow old and to travel around the world together. who is he? i’m about to find him too.

okelah, gw mau ngebahas lagi sih. tapi, mungkin lain waktu.
sekarang lagi ga ada ide lagi..
see ya when i see yaa..
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